Šivanje in zmagovalka / Sewing and a winner

- šivalno zelo uspešen;
- pospravljalno neuspešen;
- kuharsko uspešen;
- počivalno neuspešen;
- pralno uspešen;
- likalno popolnoma neuspešen;
- razpoloženjsko vremenu primeren.
- sewing - very successful;
- tiding - unsuccessful;
- cooking - successful;
- resting - unsuccessful;
- washing - successful;
- ironing - unsuccessful;
- feeling - suitable to the weather (it's raining)

I made this skirt from my summer top. I don't really feel like showing my tummy (after two pregnancies it somehow lost it's shape or better there just too much shape around it). I'm sooo pleased with the result and Miss G also.

I made this bag from remains of dark blue cotton velvet and dishcloth. I don't know why, but I really like dishcloth with check pattern. The teddy bear is not my work. He was made few years ago for a school Christmas fair, where I bought him. He (the bear) was fine until our dog got him and chew his back of. I keeped him in my drawer and just knew, that one day I'll use him somehow. And I did. I sew it flat on the bag.

I made this bag for Miss G. It's going to be her library bag and although she said it's too big, I know that it's gping to be too small for the amount of books she wants to take home every time.
Maja, ki je napisala:
Vedno rada pokukam na tvoj blog in zato čestitke za že kar 300 objav in da bi jih bilo še veliko, veliko! Pa veliko veselja z Liziko.
Čestitke!!! Paketek je že skoraj pripravljen :o)
And the winner of my giveaway:
The parcel is almost ready :o)
cute bag!
lucky maja!
have a lovely day!
Pa lepo ti gre šivanje od rok, Anja.
~Emily xx
kok je kjutkan medek :)))
Kupcev je bilo veliko in če ne bi bila učiteljica, ki ima prednost pri nekaterih prodajalcih, bi bil zdaj še cel in ne bi krasil tvoje torbe, graga G.
lp m.