Bonjour * * 2

Vas kaj bolijo noge? 
Vas mika ogled muzeja?
Dame in gospodje, postavite se v vrsto...

I hope you're not tired.
I've got something special for you today.
A museum.
Ladies and gentlemen step in line...

... čaka nas ogled Louvra!

... we are going to step into the Pyramid of Louvre!


Ko smo že ravno vajeni gneče, pojdimo najprej po večni nasmeh.
Mona Lisa, najbolj varovana dama celega muzeja.

Let's join the crowd infront of the famous smile.
Mona Lisa, the most guarded lady in whole museum.


Sedaj pa kar vsak po svoje. Mene najdete med starimi civilacijami.

Now, I'll enjoying the art of old civilizations.

Nisem edina, ki je uživala ob perzijskem zidu. 

I was not the only one admiring the Persian wall.

Aaaah, nakit.......

Ahhhhhh, jewellery...

Bila sem utrujena, komaj sem že premikala noge, ampak muzej....... muzej je veličasten!!!!!!!!!

I was tired........ I could barely move my feet, but museum......... museum is magnificent!!!!!!!!!



Oseba Baye sporoča …
How sweet of you to share these pictures. The works are exquisite. This was a definite treat! Thanks.
Oseba Andreja sporoča …
Čudovita reportaža - drugič :-))
Oseba Ann sporoča …
I'm loving your Paris posts Anja! Fabulous photos - and so much design inspiration to take home. My 10 year old great niece Jodie is in Paris too on a school trip - wonder if your paths will cross!
Oseba Vladuška sporoča …
Zelo mi je všeč kako nas vodiš po Parizu in kot vedno odlične fotke.