Srednjeveški vikend / Medieval weekend
V soboto smo se podali na Ptuj. V centru je potekala srednjeveška tržnica. Poleg tega sem bila na Ptuju le enkrat in še takrat zvečer zato ni bilo priložnosti, da bi si ga ogledala.
On Saturday was a medieval market in old city of Ptuj. Ptuj is a lovely city and I've only been there once - in the evening and there was no time or light to take a good look at all the beautiful buildings.
Tržnica je bila majhna, omejena le na trg pred stoplom. A blago, ki so ga ponujali je bilo paša za oči. Domač kruh, punčke iz volne, lesene skodele, lončki... Super je bilo. Tudi cene so bile prijazne. Sploh za nas, vajene visokih ljubljanskih cen, je bila to prijetna sprememba.
The market was small. All the sellers were in costumes and they were selling beautiful things. The prices were quite low so my basket was soon full). I'll show you all my new pretties soon. Just need to find a lovely spot for them.
Miss N was a star on a castle. She was really cute in her knitted dress.
Popoldne smo se odpeljali na kmetijo, kjer smo imeli rezervirano sobo. Stala je na vrhu hriba. Če si stal na enem robu ceste si bil v Sloveniji, drugi rob pa je stal na Hrvaškem. Med vožnjo nas je bilo strah, da bi se izgubili, saj so tukaj zelo strogi glede ilegalnih prestopov meje... četudi je čisto ponesreči.
In the afternoon we went to a farm where we had a room waiting for us. The farm is situated on the top of a hill. It's on the border with Croatia and you have to be really careful not to drive to far as you can pass the border illegal... and you don't want to explain that it was an accident to a Croatian policeman.
V nedeljo pa smo se podali na grad Tarkoščan. Sploh nisem mogla verjeti, da stoji tako lep in ohranjen grad tako blizu nas. Brez težav se kosa s kakšnim dvorcem severneje od Slovenije. Če vas bo pot zanesla v bližino, si ga pojsite pogledat.
On Sunday we went to see the Trakoscan castle. It was amazing!
Upam, da je bil tudi vaš vikend tako lep in zanimiv.
I hope you weekend was as lovely and interesting as ours.
On Saturday was a medieval market in old city of Ptuj. Ptuj is a lovely city and I've only been there once - in the evening and there was no time or light to take a good look at all the beautiful buildings.
Tržnica je bila majhna, omejena le na trg pred stoplom. A blago, ki so ga ponujali je bilo paša za oči. Domač kruh, punčke iz volne, lesene skodele, lončki... Super je bilo. Tudi cene so bile prijazne. Sploh za nas, vajene visokih ljubljanskih cen, je bila to prijetna sprememba.
The market was small. All the sellers were in costumes and they were selling beautiful things. The prices were quite low so my basket was soon full). I'll show you all my new pretties soon. Just need to find a lovely spot for them.
Sprehodili smo se po ozkih in malo manj ozkih ulicah. Nekatere hiše imajo čudovita pročelja in tale motivček mi je bil prav posebno všeč. Prav vsaka od petih podob je imela drugačen izraz.
We walked the narrow streets and enjoy the lovely fronts of a houses. I specially liked this one. There were five faces and each one was different.
Na gradu je blestela gospodična N. V svoji pleteni oblekici je pritegnila marsikater pogled.We walked the narrow streets and enjoy the lovely fronts of a houses. I specially liked this one. There were five faces and each one was different.
Miss N was a star on a castle. She was really cute in her knitted dress.
Popoldne smo se odpeljali na kmetijo, kjer smo imeli rezervirano sobo. Stala je na vrhu hriba. Če si stal na enem robu ceste si bil v Sloveniji, drugi rob pa je stal na Hrvaškem. Med vožnjo nas je bilo strah, da bi se izgubili, saj so tukaj zelo strogi glede ilegalnih prestopov meje... četudi je čisto ponesreči.
In the afternoon we went to a farm where we had a room waiting for us. The farm is situated on the top of a hill. It's on the border with Croatia and you have to be really careful not to drive to far as you can pass the border illegal... and you don't want to explain that it was an accident to a Croatian policeman.
V nedeljo pa smo se podali na grad Tarkoščan. Sploh nisem mogla verjeti, da stoji tako lep in ohranjen grad tako blizu nas. Brez težav se kosa s kakšnim dvorcem severneje od Slovenije. Če vas bo pot zanesla v bližino, si ga pojsite pogledat.
On Sunday we went to see the Trakoscan castle. It was amazing!
Upam, da je bil tudi vaš vikend tako lep in zanimiv.
I hope you weekend was as lovely and interesting as ours.
Lp, Nataša.
what a fun and beautiful trip!
we had a lovely weekend - lots of family around, a big picnic, playing outdoors . . . perfect.
Pozdravček iz Kamnika od Mojce in Anžeja (Žiga je v službi, ta malo detece pa brca)
Glad you got into the giveaway - just in time!!! Hugs, Sarah
Blatno jezero, kopanje v jezeru tam blizu, kjer je pozimi in poleti 30 stopinj.
lp m.