Najdena vejica / Found branchlet

Nekaj dni nazaj smo se sprehajali po bližnjem pokopališču. Nanj smo se umaknili s prometne ceste in se znašli v zavetju visokih dreves, gostega grmovja in popolnega miru. Na tleh je ležala odlomljena vejica rododendrona. Nisem je mogla pustiti ležati na hladnih tleh in sem jo vzela s seboj.
We went on a walk few days ago. We escape from the traffic to a quiet graveyard. Big trees, shrubbery and peace embrace us and we felt safe from the hurry on the other side of the brick wall. There was a rhododendron branchlet on the floor. I just couldn't let it there on those cold wet ground.
lp mami
I'm just browsing sites for the kids of Haiti.
I'm here for a non-profit organization that is dedicated to
creating an oppurunity for the kids in haiti. If anyone wants to donate then then please do so here:
[url=]Donate to Haiti[/url] or Help Haiti
They give kids in Haiti books and teach them.
Please check them out, they're a real cause.
I greatly appreciate anyone's help