Na današnji dan / On today's date
April 2006
Pogled z našega okna je bil tak, kot ga vidite na sliki. Več kot deset različnih rastlinskih vrst - odlična zaščita pred hrupum, prahom in smradom s ceste ter užitek za oči, raj za ptice, in še kaj bi se našlo. Če ste prebrali Zelo žalostno zgodbo veste, da ni ostalo živo niti eno samo drevesce, niti travica... nič. Še dobro, da sva z Žigom slikala, kajti drugače si sploh en bi znali predstavljati, da je bilo nekoč tako zelo zeleno in živo.
A view from our window. A plot next to ours was full of trees, at least ten different sorts. That little wood was a great screening against noise, dist and smell from the street. A paradise for birds and more. If you read a Very sad story, you know that not even oneblade survive. It's all gone. Luckily we took pictures. it's no way to imagine that that piece of land was so green just a few years ago.
A view from our window. A plot next to ours was full of trees, at least ten different sorts. That little wood was a great screening against noise, dist and smell from the street. A paradise for birds and more. If you read a Very sad story, you know that not even oneblade survive. It's all gone. Luckily we took pictures. it's no way to imagine that that piece of land was so green just a few years ago.
In tisto leto smo se prvič podali v Anglijo. Ljubezen na prvi pogled, vam rečem.
That year we went to England for the first time. Love at first sight, I tell you.
That year we went to England for the first time. Love at first sight, I tell you.
Kako je možno ostati ravnodušen ob teh hišicah? Taaakooo so luštne s svojimi zaokroženimi okni, rožnatimi zavesami in rožnimi grmički.
Is it possible to stay equanimous at those houses? They are soooo sweet with those lovely windows, flowerly curtains and little gardens.
Is it possible to stay equanimous at those houses? They are soooo sweet with those lovely windows, flowerly curtains and little gardens.
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i'm sorry about your woods . . .
i'll get my april 2006 pic up today.
Naj ljubijo, a žal ne vedo, da beton in asfalt ne vračata ljubezni.
Mi ljubimo zeleno, zeleno, zeleno...
LP m.