Besede in slike / Words and Pictures


Brez premišljevanja - vožnja po Kitajski. Ampak je bilo vredno. Prav vsaka minuta v avtobusu se je stokrat povrnila. Bilo je čudovito. Še posebno Mali Tibet.

Without second thoughts - driving around China. But every minute in the bus was worth the pain in my back. It was amazing. Specialy Little Tibet.


Oseba Rumour has it sporoča …
Woaaw! Have you been to China lately?! It must have been a gorgeous trip I´m sure. I´ve never been there, but my mother has and she loved it very much as well. Nice pictures which make me dream... :)
Oseba Anonimni sporoča …
How amazing! I would love to travel to China! You are so lucky to have had the opportunity to do that!
I hope you and your little family are well!
Oseba Sarah Sullivan sporoča …
Stunning pictures!!! When were you there???
Oseba Anja sporoča …
Hi, there.
Oh, yes, China was amazing. Ziga and I were there in 2002. We spent 2 months traveling around.
Oseba VSE DOBRO sporoča …
Res so fotografije čudovite ... in čudoviti zapisi v vajinih albumih srca kajne :o)))