Trenutek v marcu / Just a minut in March

Observing... the blossom in my vase.

Reading... The Invention of Hugo Cabret by Brian Selznick. I had a hard time finding a book to read after Potter. I was reading Elizabeth Pantley for sime time and then this book came into our home. Reading it was pure joy... it only lasted for a sort time - I have read it in few days. Any suggestions what to read now?
Čakanje... na zdravnika na urgenci. Oči ima dve zlomljeni rebri.
Waiting... for the doctor at the ER. My father has two broken ribs.
Želim... si sonca...
Wanting... sun...
Po soncu pa tudi jaz hrepenim.
I just finished Eat, Pray, Love and really enjoyed it!! Have a great week hon!!! Sarah
LP Dekca neprijav.
Očetu pa želim čimprejšnje okrevanje.
hoping your father will heal quickly.
Kako popolne fotografije!
Barvni Artwork tvojih deklic.