Knjižni sejem / Book Fair
Uživala sem... pisatelji.... ilustratorji... knjige... vrvež.... ideje.... Tako polna vtisov sem, da težko napišem karkoli drugega razen tega, da je bilo krasno. Hvala, Helena, da si me vzela s seboj!!!
It was marvelus... writers... illustrators... books... ideas.... I'm still so full of impressions, that is hard to write anything more than this: it was great! Thank you, Helen for taking me with you!
It was marvelus... writers... illustrators... books... ideas.... I'm still so full of impressions, that is hard to write anything more than this: it was great! Thank you, Helen for taking me with you!

More about the fair here and more about the Illustrators Exhibition here
and here.
to bi pa jaz tudi šla...
hvala za linke