Vse najboljše, oči! / Happy Birthday, Dad!

Torej gerbere za rojstni dan, odlična torta izpod Žigovih rok, pesmica iz grla gospodične G (smo pomagali vsi) in velik objem ter želje po čimprejšnjem okrevanju... vse to je zaznamovalo današnji dan.
Gerbera daisies are his favourite frowers. Red ones. For Love and Passion. That's my dad! Ful of love.
Sometimes I think that he might have get tired of the same flowers every year, but he is so happy when he gets them and he puts them on his working table so he could watch at them all the time. I'm not a very big fan on cut-flowers and I was really happy when I found a pot of gerbera daisies at shopping centre. We don't have them in our little florist's shop (but we do have a large selection of pansies right now).
So, a red gerbera daisies, yummy cake (Žiga baked it!), Miss G's happybirthday song (we all helped her), and a big gentle hug and kiss and get-well-soon wishes marked our day.
this sounds like a lovely day!
i love it when little ones sing.
da mu ne boste še ostalih reber polomile...
Anja, barve na tvojih fotkah...
ali imaš MEGA boljši fotoaparat kot jaz, ali pa te imajo barve veliko raje...
Katera je pa vaša?
In vse najboljše, najlepše in najprijetneše za rojstni dan.
LP m.