Eye Spy...
... nekaj lepega na vrtu.
.... something beautiful in my backyard.
.... something beautiful in my backyard.
Zdi se, da je pomlad letos sedla na napačen vlak in se je odpeljala kdo-ve-kam. Ali pa se je zaklepetala z botro Zimo. To bo bolj verjetno, kajti drevje brsti in pada sneg, vijolice dišijo in leden veter brije. Na vrtu je nekaj silno osamljenih predmetov, ki čakajo na malo pozornosti.
The Spring is really taking her time coming to us this year. It seams that she step on a wrong train or that she is chatting to Winter. We have snow and buds, cold winter wind and violets. There isn't much going on in the garden. Hard to find something that could be called beautiful. Only a lot of things waiting for some attention.
Strašilo čaka na novo oblačilo. / A scarecrow is waiting for a new outfit.
Lonec za zelišča, ki jih še vedno zjutraj prinesemo na zrak in zvečer skrijemo pred zmrzaljo. / A pot for spices. It's still freezing during the nihgt so we brought them out in the morning and in in the evening.
Lonec za zelišča, ki jih še vedno zjutraj prinesemo na zrak in zvečer skrijemo pred zmrzaljo. / A pot for spices. It's still freezing during the nihgt so we brought them out in the morning and in in the evening.
Drva, kar tako... / Wood, just because...
Strašilo je pa simpatično tudi brez obleke. ;)
and we are awaiting spring . . . it is raining today. maybe that will soften up the ground and wash away more of the snow . . .
hugs to you!