Veselo likanje / Ironing with joy
Mesece že tuhatm, da bilo lepo, če bi kupila novo likalno prevleko. Tista, ki se je držala likalne deske je bila namreč komajda vredna svojega imena. Pa nisem imela nikoli mer s seboj v trgovino (zakaj te sploh mučijo s številkami, ko pa je verjetno to vse all size). Tudi za osmi marec je nisem dobila (ha ha). Danes pa sem naletela na tole lepotico med likalnimi predlogami in pomislila sem, da bi bilo najbolj pametno novo kar sešiti. Le tako jo bom dobila takoj in še dovolj pisana bo, da jo bom bolj z veseljem privlekla iz tistega temnega kota.
For months now I'm wondering that I should by a new ironing board cover. The old one was hardly worth the name. But when I was in the store I didn't know which one is big enough and I never bother to mesure mine at home. Than my birthday went by, Christmas as well and no Ironing board cover (ha ha,) days went by and I was ironing on a boring green thing... untill today. I saw this beauty among ironing board covers at Ravenhill and I said to myself: That's it. I'll make one as well. And here it is! Fun and colorful.

Poleg te pisane novice pa imam za vas še eno literarno. Moja mami piše blog! Obiščite jo s klikom semkaj.
For months now I'm wondering that I should by a new ironing board cover. The old one was hardly worth the name. But when I was in the store I didn't know which one is big enough and I never bother to mesure mine at home. Than my birthday went by, Christmas as well and no Ironing board cover (ha ha,) days went by and I was ironing on a boring green thing... untill today. I saw this beauty among ironing board covers at Ravenhill and I said to myself: That's it. I'll make one as well. And here it is! Fun and colorful.

Poleg te pisane novice pa imam za vas še eno literarno. Moja mami piše blog! Obiščite jo s klikom semkaj.
Mislim hudo všečna.
Lp, Nataša.
Uf, sem kaj rekla.
Zunaj sije sonce in likanje je ob sončnih dnevih najbolj dolgočasno opravilo na svetu.
Sicer pa - dež se tudi obeta, še prekmalu.
lp T.