Zeleni teden, prvi dan / Green week, day one
Emily gosti zeleni teden. Točno to potrebujem, da se spravim iz zimske sivine v pomlad. Vsak dan bom objavila fotke z zeleno tematiko in morda bom ob njih tudi kaj izvirnega zapisala :o) Tako kot na primer danes. Tole zeleno milo me vsako jutro pozdravi. Včasih z bolj kislim obrazom, drugič z veselim. Pravzaprav sem pomislila, da bi lahko po njem že zjutraj vedela, kakšen dan bom imela. Ampak čim bi to počela, bi ga zvečer postavila veselega v krožniček...
Emily is hosting a green week. A lovely project to help me get through this first week of March. I need to get myself into green, into Spring... we have so many Spring activities, events in school and green is what I need to find. There will be photos here all week, and I might even find something to say along the way. Like today for instance. This little soap is greeting me every morning with it's happy or grimpy face. I might even tell what kind of day is ahead of me just by looking at it. But I know that I would be extra careful how to put him down in the evening...
Emily is hosting a green week. A lovely project to help me get through this first week of March. I need to get myself into green, into Spring... we have so many Spring activities, events in school and green is what I need to find. There will be photos here all week, and I might even find something to say along the way. Like today for instance. This little soap is greeting me every morning with it's happy or grimpy face. I might even tell what kind of day is ahead of me just by looking at it. But I know that I would be extra careful how to put him down in the evening...
and i just posted my March 2007 pictures. :)
lp dekca neprij.
Lp, Nataša.
Všeč mi je tvoj zeleni koncept.
Me zanima kam te bo pripeljal teden.