Tako, zeleni teden je pri koncu. Prav zabavno je bilo. Kamorkoli sem šla, sem se ozirala okoli sebe za zeleno.
Za naslednji teden pa imam veliko željo. Preveč časa je že minilo, kar sem zadnjič kaj zašila, izvezla, narisala oz. odkar sem zadnjič pisala o tem. V naslednjme tednu upam, da vam bom lahko pokazala novo jopico, če ne še kakšnih hlač ali oblekice.
Green week is over. It was fun! Looking around for what I might find that is green.
For next week I'm hoping to do some sewing. It's been too long. Way too long. I did sit behind my sewing machine couple of times, but that was it. Strange. I was much more productive with kniting. I hope I'll be able to show you a new cardigan. It just need a last touch of embroidery. I have it all in my head.
Za naslednji teden pa imam veliko željo. Preveč časa je že minilo, kar sem zadnjič kaj zašila, izvezla, narisala oz. odkar sem zadnjič pisala o tem. V naslednjme tednu upam, da vam bom lahko pokazala novo jopico, če ne še kakšnih hlač ali oblekice.
Green week is over. It was fun! Looking around for what I might find that is green.
For next week I'm hoping to do some sewing. It's been too long. Way too long. I did sit behind my sewing machine couple of times, but that was it. Strange. I was much more productive with kniting. I hope I'll be able to show you a new cardigan. It just need a last touch of embroidery. I have it all in my head.
Thank you Emily, for hosting Green Week.
i need to do some sewing, too. i have lots of ideas bumping around in my head . . .
hugs to you!
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